With selective mining system of quarry that have been identified, we are proud to present the special grade product is excellent for glass fiber applications.
- High Alumina & Silica (Al2O3 = 22 – 26 {59becd74b24a421de4d313e6065f896d3054a6e6274d41128d58599741012acc}, SiO2 = 70 – 74{59becd74b24a421de4d313e6065f896d3054a6e6274d41128d58599741012acc});
- Low impurities : Fe2O3 < 0.08 {59becd74b24a421de4d313e6065f896d3054a6e6274d41128d58599741012acc}, others content is very low;
- LoI<5.00 {59becd74b24a421de4d313e6065f896d3054a6e6274d41128d58599741012acc}.
PP-Cer isPyrophyllite which suitable for ceramic with :
- negative shrinkagevalue ( – 2.5 {59becd74b24a421de4d313e6065f896d3054a6e6274d41128d58599741012acc} ) ;
- low density and low viscosity.
P-Ref isPyrophyllite with a maximum alumina content, high puritynearly 100 {59becd74b24a421de4d313e6065f896d3054a6e6274d41128d58599741012acc} of one rock type, so it is good as a refractory material.
- High Alumina(Al2O3= 26 – 28 {59becd74b24a421de4d313e6065f896d3054a6e6274d41128d58599741012acc}) ;
- Low impurities : Fe2O3<0.10{59becd74b24a421de4d313e6065f896d3054a6e6274d41128d58599741012acc}, others content is very low ;
- LoI<5.00 {59becd74b24a421de4d313e6065f896d3054a6e6274d41128d58599741012acc} .
As a valuable refractory raw material we have the following properties:
- Permanent expansion&Excellent reheat stability ;
- Low thermal conductivity ;
- High resistanceto molten ingress.
P-Fil is Pyrophyllitewhich good as filler andcoating material with :
- whiteness level up to82 {59becd74b24a421de4d313e6065f896d3054a6e6274d41128d58599741012acc} ;
- high purity nearly 100 {59becd74b24a421de4d313e6065f896d3054a6e6274d41128d58599741012acc} of onerock type ;
- sufficient clarityand high blocking force.
Product Size
No | Product Type | Size |
1 | Lump | 0 – 300 mm |
2 | Lump | 50 – 300 mm |
3 | Coarse Gravel | 10 – 300 mm |
4 | Medium Gravel |
10-20 mm |
5 | Fine Gravel | 0-10 mm |
6 | Powder | mesh # 325 |
Pyrophyllite rock can be used as a substitute for Talc and Kaolin material because it has similar character
Batu Pyrophyllite dan Kapur telah banyak digunakan dalam berbagai industri, sebagai bahan imbuh dalam industri peleburan logam baik besi maupun bukan besi dan industri kaca (glass); bahan pengisi pada pembuatan barang-barang dari karet, plastik dan lain-lain
Di Indonesia proses peningkatan nilai tambah batu pyrophyllite dan kapur sudah sejak lama diusahakan orang melalui penggalian atau penambangan, dilanjutkan dengan pemecahan bongkahan batu.
Batu Pyrophyllite dan Kapur memiliki sifat-sifat fisika dan kimia yang umumnya bervariasi. Banyak sifat-sifat fisis maupun kimia yang telah diselidiki untuk berbagai tujuan dan kepentingan pemanfaatan.
Beberapa tipikal dari sifat-sifat tersebut antara lain adalah Porositas (porosity), kerapatan ruah (bulk density), konduktifitas panas (thermal conductivity), panas jenis (specific heat), panas pembentukan (heat of formation), kelarutan (solubility).
Tetapi dalam beberapa industri pengecoran logam, keramik dan fiberglass batuan pyrophylllite lebih di unggulkan. Hal itu disebabkan kadar Alumina (Al₂O₃) dan Silika (SiO₂) pada pyrophyllite lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan batu kapur.
Sehingga pemanfaatan Pyrophyllite dalam industri pengecoran logam, keramik dan fiberglass menjadi pilihan utama dalam industri tersebut.
Berbeda dalam industri cat dan kertas, batu kapur masih unggul dalam industri tersebut hal ini di karenakan derajat putih dari batu kapur lebih tinggi dari pada batu pyrophyllite. Tetapi terdapat type batuan pyrophillte yang memiliki tingkat derajat putih yang sama dengan batu kapur.
Pyrophyllite and Limestone have been widely used in various industries, as additives in the metal smelting industry, both ferrous and non-ferrous and the glass industry, filler material in the manufacture of goods from rubber, plastic and others
In Indonesia, the process of increasing the added value of pyrophyllite and lime stones has long been cultivated by people through excavation or mining, followed by breaking up chunks of rock.
Pyrophyllite and Limestone have generally varied physical and chemical properties. Many physical and chemical properties have been investigated for various purposes and uses.
Some typical of these properties include porosity, bulk density, thermal conductivity, specific heat, heat of formation, solubility.
But in some foundry industries, fiberglass ceramics and pyrophyllite rocks are preferred. This is due to the higher levels of Alumina (Al₂O₃) and Silica (SiO₂) in pyrophyllite compared to limestone.
So that the use of Pyrophyllite in the metal, ceramic and fiberglass casting industry is the main choice in the industry.
Different with paint and paper industry, limestone still excels in this industry because the whiteness of limestone is higher more than pyrophyllite. But there is a pyrophillte rock type that has the same white level as limestone.
Pyrophyllite dan Kaolin banyak tersebar di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia, Pyrophyllite yang mempunyai komposisi kimia (Aluminum Silicate Hidroxide AlSi₂O₅OH) memiliki ketersediaan cukup banyak (jutaan ton) dan berada pada kawasan luas di Jawa Timur daerah Malang selatan khususnya kecamatan Sumbermanjing. Sedangkan Kaolin yang mempunyai komposisi kimia (Aluminium Silicate Hydrat Al₂Si₂O₅(OH)₄) terdapat di Bangka Belitung dan Kalimantan.
Dalam dunia industri, keduanya digunakan dalam bahan baku keramik, fiberglass, cat, kertas rubber, semen dan industri lainnya. Pyrophyllite dan Kaolin mengandung Silika (SiO₂) dan Alumina (Al₂O₃), yang mana kedua komposisi tersebut sangat diperlukan sebagai bahan utama dan sekunder dalam beberapa industri tersebut.
Dalam industri keramik Pyrophyllite banyak digunakan karena pyrophyllite telah berhasil mengurangi penyusutan sebesar 6% dengan hanya menambahkan pyrophyllite sebanyak 15%, Pyrophyllite juga menambahkan Firing Stengh sebesar 25% dan menambah Firing Range yang artinya tahan terhadap naik turunnya temperature . Dengan kelebihan tersebut Pyrophyllite mulai menggantikan posisi kaolin sebagai bahan baku dalam industri tersebut, dikarenakan harga yang relatif lebih murah, mempunyai karakteristik yang sama dan ketersediaan yang cukup banyak. Beberapa Industri besar keramik di Pulau Jawa menggunakan Pyrophyllite sebagai bahan utama pembuatan keramik
Dalam industri Fiberglass pyrophyllite menggantikan posisi Talc dan Kaolin yang mana lebih effisien dikarenakan kandungan silika dan alumina yang ada pada pyrophyllite lebih tinggi dari pada talc yang mana memiliki daya tahan terhadap temperature tinggi dan lebih lentur.
Pada indutri Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) adalah chemical yang banyak dipakai untuk penjernihan air. PAC penjernih air ini merupakan koagulan yang memiliki banyak keunggulan dibanding Aluminium Sulfat (Tawas), yang juga merupakan koagulan untuk penjernihan air. Dan pyrophyllite digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatannya. Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) untuk proses penjerniah air atau water treatment memiliki dampak korosi yang rendah. Hal ini karena air hasil pengolahan tidak mengalami penurunan pH yang tajam seperti pada penggunaan koagulan Aluminium Sulfat.
Pyrophyllite and Kaolin are widely distributed in several regions in Indonesia, Pyrophyllite which has a chemical composition (Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide AlSi₂O₅OH) has a sufficient availability (millions of tons) and is located in a wide area in East Java, southern Malang area, especially Sumbermanjing district. Meanwhile, Kaolin which has a chemical composition (Aluminum Silicate Hydrat Al₂Si₂O₅(OH)₄) is found in Bangka Belitung and Kalimantan.
In the industrial world, both are used in ceramic raw materials, fiberglass, paint, rubber paper, cement and other industries. Pyrophyllite and Kaolin contain Silica (SiO₂) and Alumina (Al₂O₃), both of which are indispensable as primary and secondary materials in these industries.
In the ceramic industry, Pyrophyllite is widely used because pyrophyllite has succeeded in reducing shrinkage by 6% by only adding pyrophyllite by 15%, Pyrophyllite also adds Firing Strength by 25% and increases Firing Range which means it is resistant to temperature fluctuations. With these advantages Pyrophyllite began to replace the position of kaolin as a raw material in the industry, due to the relatively cheaper price, having the same characteristics and ample availability. Several large ceramic industries on the island of Java use Pyrophyllite as the main ingredient for making ceramics
In the Fiberglass industry, pyrophyllite replaces the position of Talc and Kaolin which are more efficient because the silica and alumina content in pyrophyllite is higher than talc which has resistance to high temperatures and is more flexible.
In the industry, Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) is a chemical that is widely used for water purification. PAC water purifier is a coagulant that has many advantages over Aluminum Sulfate (Alum), which is also a coagulant for water purification. And pyrophyllite is used as raw material for its manufacture. Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) for water purification process or water treatment has a low corrosion impact. This is because the treated water does not experience a sharp decrease in pH as in the use of Aluminum Sulfate coagulant.